Saturday, August 29, 2009

Taming the bull

Taming the bull.

Bull. Wild bull. Taurus. A power station. Vigor. Force. Energy. A bull is an adult male version of species of large mammals.

Training a bull in considered being one of the toughest and time consuming things in the world. The animal has its own ways and a very strong resistance to any change.

Training a bull has many phases. The first one being – understanding the bull. Understanding the bull’s strengths, patterns, traits and conditioning of the bull. What is to be really trained is the mind of the bull. Once the master has gathered the above has to then surrender himself to the wild and unkind behavior of the bull and its awesome wild power.
The master begins with loosening the noose. The bull makes a wild spree. The master waits it out for the bull to run around until it tires itself running in circles in the pit. Then the master ties him again.
The master returns next day. Loosens the noose. Bull runs wild in the pit. It tires itself and the master ties him again.
This continues for few weeks. The relentless master and the wild bull enjoy it. The bull has slowly slowed his speed in the pit as it has understood that it is not longer being followed. It also stops prior to getting exhausted. The bull is not sure about the intentions of his master.
After a few weeks the master frees the bull of the noose and the bull just strolls in the pit. This becomes a routine for few following days. The master comes, frees the bull, bull strolls while the master patiently walks around, then stops close to the master signaling him that it has had its heart full and now is ready for the fodder. The bull still continues to eye its master with suspicion.
Months have passed and the pull has got used to the comfort of lovely strolls, kind master and easy food.
Master arrives and gets the bull to the pit. But today he does not loosen the rope. The confused bull waits for a brief moment and then sensing no change decides to go for a run today. The master decides to cling to the end of the rope barely managing to run for a few steps before he is flung by the awesome power of the bull. The master has lost the rope. He waits for the bull to finish his victory run. Once the bull has finished celebration and is feeling hungry stops at the master. The injured master silently with a smile takes the bull to the stable and offers him fodder and water after tying him up. Next day the same thing continues but this time the master has tied himself to the other end of the rope. Now the bull and the master are tied to the same rope. The bull again does his thing and leaves no attempt to injure the persistent master. But after every injury the master only smile back to the bull, and offers him better food. The bull has no clue of what does his master intends. The bull initially thought that the master wants to ride on the bull and use him as a personal transport. This too continues for a while. But after watching the masters strangely kind behavior he decides to try the master today. He does not run while his master ties himself to the noose. The master slowly opens the door of the pit to bull. The bull has never believed or imagined that there exists anything beyond the pit.
The master takes the bull to the fields. The bull eats his heart full on lush green fields. Once the bull has finished eating the master takes him to a pretty stream. The bull has never known the joy of this kind. The bull returns with a broad smile. What a day thinking to himself.
The master and the bull meet again the next day and this time the bull makes no attempt of running away from the master, but still he wonders about the intention of his mater. The master lightly ties himself to the bull. Again they visit the same field but this time they have to go deeper in the field as a large part of the field has been consumed by the bull and other animals grazing there. The bull had yesterday taken no notice today of the other animals. The bulls still soon forgets it all and consumes his fill and then makes way to the stream. He also finds other animals at the stream. They are as thirstier as him but they have no master. They respect his strength and move out of his way. This too continues for few days until the bull has to walk half a day to reach the fodder in the fields. The bull finds many weak animals succumbed to the lack of fodder on his way to the green grass. On his way to the stream he finds a lifeless lamb. He asks his master what happened to the lamb. Master replies nothing but a smile. The bull finds the master a bit annoying and continues to the stream. He finds the sad family of sheep standing idly looking at the dried up stream. The bull is confused. What has happened to the water? He looks again at his master who own has a smile to offer. Upset with his master the bull walks back, thinking what a heartless man his master is.
Next day the master takes the noose of the bull and opens the gates of the pit. The surprised bull walks along his master, who as ever seems to be confident and compassionate. The bull walks more than half a day to reach the only last pasture of the field. As he steps towards the fields all smaller and weaker animals move away giving into the fear of his ruthless strength. But a tiny sheep comes running and munches with total innocence the last bit of greenery left in the field. The bull looks with disbelief and sadness. The animals turn away from the field this time without any fear of the power of the bull. They have nothing to fear for, because the end is eminent. The bull raises his head to look around. All that meets the bulls eyes is the endless dried up land and scorching sun shining upon the skeletons of dead animals and the other weak ones that seem to be waiting for their turn. The eagles are hovering above.
The master and the bull return to the pit. The bull turns to the master for answers. The master only smiles back compassionately. The bull shakes his head in discontentment. He walks slowly into his stable. The master does not close his door.
The bull has not slept for a single moment. Its mind has wondered entire night. It traveled from the dead lamb to the dried stream to the barren fields. It wants the answer. He hates the master.
Next day the bull wakes up early and walks into the pit to find the gates of the pit open. With a heavy heart it decides to walk to the fields in the wee hours of the day. He hates his master enough to not wait for him today.
The bull arrives to the field to his surprise finds his master all covered in sweat and dirt trying hard alone to pull a plough in the hard fields. The bull knows it at once that the master is the famer but he is too weak alone to feed some many animals. The bull decides to shoulder the plough. The master smiles with only emotion. The bull expected more. But nevertheless the bull and the master spend half the day plough-ing through the fields. They have barely covered a tiny part of the field. The master decides to walk towards the hill where the stream ran through. The bull follows.
The master is trying to make a canal from the stream to the fields. The bull does not understand the reason of making a canal from a dried up stream. He questions but to only be replied with a smile. Nevertheless, the bull decides to help by getting loaded with the waste from the digging. They both return home. The master smiles at the bull before going to his quarters.
Next few days the same continues until the entire field is ploughed. Today the master goes up the hill with the bull. The master takes the bull to the spot where he can see a lake. The master opens the pond into the dried up stream. The bull instantly gathers the idea of the canal.
The bull and the master return to the fields and seed the entire field over a few days. The bull has now developed deep admiration and respect for the master.
They return the fields only a few weeks later to find the field promising a green feed for the all the animals around. The bull makes a run after many days and joins in the celebration meal along with other animals. This time all the animals stop around him and thank him for his contribution to their survival. They tell him that he was always present in their hearts but as fear. From now on they shall keep him in their hearts out of sheer gratefulness and his humble hard work for them. They had tears in their eyes.
That evening the master and the bull returned to their home. The bull did not go to his stable but kept looking at his master in surprise. The master has tear in his eyes. The bull asked “Why did you not tell me before?” Master “ It is important to learn, not to known. You have learnt your role and strength it is much greater than knowing it.” Bull “Why do you cry?” Master “My role with you is over. I am now needed in the next village, you have a brother there.”
The bull cried until a compassionate smile took its place. The fields were never barren ever after.

Such is the relation between the universe and the light bearers or the awakened souls.

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